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3 hours
No Cancellation
20 people
English and 1 more
No pick up services
Fang Beti traditional dances are characterized by their energetic and rhythmic movements, often accompanied by music played on percussion instruments such as drums and xylophones. The dances serve many purposes, including socializing, entertainment, and religious ceremonies. This activity takes you as closest as you could get to a traditional danse groupe. You will meet a the Matriarch MArtine Medong and her dancers. She will share the history of traditional fang geti dances with you and give you a spectacular demonstration of two major dance types of the fang beti region.
Merci au guide Ze pour sa disponibilité et pour avoir partagé ses connaissances sur l’histoire d’Ebolowa. La danse a ensuite couronné not…Continue reading
Merci au guide Ze pour sa disponibilité et pour avoir partagé ses connaissances sur l’histoire d’Ebolowa. La danse a ensuite couronné notre soirée avec une très belle prestation accompagnée de vin blanc. Je trouve juste dommage que le centre touristique de Nkolandom ne nous ait pas proposé cette activité à partir de l’hôtel pour Ebolowa qui n’est pas très loin du site. C’est un ami qui a dû me donner le site de YENGAFRICA. Sinon, ce fut une belle expérience, je consulterai la page très souvent lors de mes déplacements au Cameroun.
We really enjoyed our time with the dance group. I thought I knew Mbol and Bikutsi haha, but the mom taught us so much, the sounds, the inst…Continue reading
We really enjoyed our time with the dance group. I thought I knew Mbol and Bikutsi haha, but the mom taught us so much, the sounds, the instruments and the moment of sharing. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to make the tales and wood-fired dinner proposed, so we’re going to get better prepared and come back to Ebolowa. A really rich learning experience.
What a moment to live ! I had such a great time dancing with all these kids, pure moment of joy and connection